Saturday, May 31, 2008

Essential Oils

Plants have an indomitable vitality. The essential oil, being the natural plant fluid, is the essence of this vitality. The aromatic substance in essential oils are actually hormones of plants which is curative to certain diseases.

Aromatherapy is a therapy that cleanses the body and the mind, strive for physical, mental and spiritual health equilibrium. The essential oils used in aromatherapy are extracted from petals, leaves, twigs, fruits, seeds, root, stem and bark of highly aromatic plants. These oils penetrates into the body and stimulates the cerebral cortex, provides soothing and enlightening effects, relieves mental and spiritual disorders, builds up positive outlook on life.


The short plant is originated from New South Wales, Australia. It grows to the height of 6 metres and possesses extremely high vitality. Tea Tree grows best in lowlaying soggy lands. Long ago, the Australian aborigines had started using its tea leaves to cure inflamed wounds. In 1927, the plant was brought into Europe. Its outstanding antiseptic property has since taken the Europeans by storm. The Australian, American and French scientists are now studying the anti-inflammation properties of Tea Tree, especially the possibility of it being used to cure various skin diseases. Currently, it is commonly used in surgery and dental operations. It is also an ingredient in making soaps, deodorants, air fresheners and detergents.

Leaves / high

Fresh and slightly sharp.

Main functions:
Antiseptic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, uplifting.
Physiological effect:
A powerful antiseptic essential oil, it helps the immune system to fight contagious diseases. It also promotes metabolism, detoxifies by method of perspiration, effective for flu, oral herpes, mucositis and gingivitis. Its anti-fungal property is good for genital inflammation, helps purifies urinary tract, improves cystitis. Besides, it also relieves earache and enteritis, get rid of parasites in the body.

Skin Care:
Contracts and cleanses the pores, improves skin inflammation, furuncle etc. Removes chickenpox and shingles. Effective for burns, blisters, herpes and athlete’s foot. Cures excessive dandruff.

Emotional effect:
Refreshing and stimulating, restores energy, suitable for shock.

May cause irritation at sensitive parts of the skin.
Normal Purchase : RM48
Privilege Purchase : RM40


Lavender Organic is the most commonly used ingredient for essential oil. It can be applied directly onto the skin without diluting. It can be blended with almost every other essential oil and perform better medicinal effect. Lavender Organic is well-known for its insect killing property. The ancient Romans used it as an antiseptic in bathing and cleansing the wounds. The Roman women took a fancy to the perfumes made by blending Lavender Organic and lily flower.

Petals / medium

Floral, light and fresh, wood-like.

Main functions:
Insect bites, insect repellent, good for digestive system.

Physiological effect:
Promotes gastric secretion, can be used for nausea, vomiting, flatulence and colic. It stimulates bile secretion, helps digestion, soothing the heart, reduces high blood pressure, and improves insomnia. Its pain-killing property helps relieving sprains, muscular fatigue and rheumatic pain. As for the respiratory system, it is effective for bronchitis, asthma, influenza, laryngitis, mucositis, prevents and relieves the spread of tuberculosis. Good for scanty menstruation, menstrual pain or vaginal discharges. Massaging the lower back can relieve post-natal discomfort.

Skin Care:
Suitable for all skin types, cures burns, insect bites and skin diseases. Stimulates cell growth, helps healing of wounds.

Emotional effect:
Stabilises mood, purifying and soothes the mind, relieves anger and fatigue. Balances central nervous system, fights panic and depression.

Hypotension patients may experience dullness. As it promotes menstruation, avoid during first 3 months of pregnancy.


Normal Purchase : RM60

Privilege Purchase : RM50


The Peppermint plant is about 3 feet tall, with hairy, zigzag-shaped leaves and purple flowers. This plant is originated from Southern Europe and it has a variety of species. But the essential oil is extracted from Peppermint USA. The Englishmen first started the Peppermint trading business in 1750, but the Americans were the ones who first produced essential oils from Peppermint plant.

Leaves / medium-high.

Chilly, refreshing.

Main functions:
Good for digestive and respiratory system, antiseptic, reduces high fever and refreshing.

Physiological effect:
It boasts double property: cooling in hot weather and heating in cold weather. Cures influenza, controls fever and mucositis, promotes perspiration, effective for respiratory tract disorders, such as coughing, sinus congestion, asthma, bronchitis, cholera and pneumonia. As for the digestive system, it is good for relaxing gastric muscles, prevents food poisoning, cures vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, flatulence, bad breath and nausea. It also improves kidney and liver disorders. The soothing effect acts to relieve headache, migraine and toothache, comforts rheumatic pain, nervous and muscle pain. It also improves scanty menstruation, painful periods and mastitis. Direct inhalation method can relieve headache, coughing and blocked nose.

Skin Care:
Relieves blocked pores, improves eczema, tinea and itchiness, soothes inflammation and burns, removes blackheads and whiteheads, regulates skin oil secretion. Best for oily hair and oily skins.

Emotional effect:
Uplifting and mind-refreshing, comforts anger, hysteria and fear. Excellent for mental fatigue and depression.

As it reduces body temperature, it is not recommendable for bathing and body massage. Avoid eye contact. Avoid during pregnancy and milk feeding period, as it promotes menstrual flow and reduces milk supply.


Normal Purchase : RM48

Privilege Purchase : RM40


Originated from England, the Chamomile has a variety of species, but essential oils can only be extracted from the Roman and German Chamomile. These two species are about 30cm in height, with white petals, yellow core and slightly hairy leaves. The Chinese has been using it as a medicine throughout history while the English plant them along the sidewalks. At present, Queen Elizabeth is so fond of Chamomile that this plant is grown all over the Buckingham Palace.

Flower / medium.


Main functions:
Pain-relieving, soothing, calming, skin care.

Physiological effect:
Relieves headache and nervous tension, regularises menstrual period, relieves menstrual pain, pre-menstrual and menopause symptoms. It also soothes the stomach, cures spasms, inflammation, gastric pain and indigestion. Massages by using Chamomile can relieve muscle pain and swollen joints. Relieves gastritis, diarrhoea, vomiting and other intestinal disorders. It is able to enhance the immune system and antianaemia. The German Chamomile is suitable for children, it is more effective in enhancing immune system and curing inflammation.

Skin Care:
Relieves swelling, strengthens tissues, restores broken capillaries, adds suppleness, suitable for normal sensitive skins, such as those with red spots, swelling, dry, urticaria, inflamed and peeled skins.

Emotional effect:
Calming, relieves anxiety, tension, anger and fear, insomnia, antidepressant, calms down restlessness during menopause.

Avoid during first 3 months of pregnancy as it might cause menstruation to occur.


Normal Purchase : RM180

Privilege Purchase : RM150

The Cambridge Diet (TCD)

What is "The Cambridge Diet"?

The Reputation of The Cambridge Diet Nutritional Slimming Diet Worldwide

The history of The Cambridge Diet begins with the introduction and marketing of Very Low Calories Diet (VLCD) by the Cambridge Health Plan International in Great Britain. The research on VLCD can be traced back to the researches done in order to produce specialized food for astronauts. The Cambridge Diet is actually a product by Professor Alan N. Howard after intensive research done on VLCD.

The Cambridge Diet is a formulated powdered food, manufactured by using scientific and sophisticate method. After adding water to The Cambridge Diet, one is able to produce a healthy formulated meal, which provides only 411 Kcal of energy. The Cambridge Diet contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and fiber, along with another 30 types of nutrients, more than enough to provide the body with the nutrients that it needs to function properly. The Cambridge Diet formulation has been proven to be safe and effective for slimming, after many years of clinical tests conducted by a group of worldwide independent scientists in the renowned [ The Swansea Trial ]. In the past 20 years, more than 15 millions of people had tried and benefit from The Cambridge Diet. This series of product are specially designed for Asians by Cambridge Health Plan International.

The Cambridge Diet also complies with the UK Department of Health Committee on the Medical Aspects of Food Policy (C.O.M.A) guidelines on the minimum calorie requirements whilst on a VLCD sole source program. Hence it is a widely accepted and popular product in the market, having features like being safe, effective fat burning, weight losing and toxin excretion, truly a Mild Ketosis Nutritious Dietary product!

Since the introduction of the first generation nutritional Dietary formulation, The Cambridge Diet has manage to maintain its average sales record of 3 million packets in Malaysia, helping more than 2 million people to lose weight and maintaining body weight healthily every year. Its formulation and mode of action has been recognized as natural dissolution of body fat storage and toxin, hence protecting the body and at the same time, recycling the useful substances in the body. By getting rid of all the fat surrounding the organs, it is guaranteed that The Cambridge Diet will be able to help customer lose 1 to 5 kg in one week time.

During the 3rd Cambridge International Seminar in 2002, The Cambridge Diet was awarded The Global Best Performance Award Year 2002, becoming the star of the year. And starting from that year, on 28th of March 2002, and in the subsequence years on these particular dates: 27th March 2003, 28th March 2004, and 27th March 2005, 4 years in a row, around one hundred of Neucor Malaysia professional counselor had been awarded the Excellent Service Award by the Cambridge Horward Foundation.

Very Low Calorie Diets and Sustained Weight Loss

Very Low Calorie Diets (VLCD) with active follow-up treatment seems to be one of the better treatment modalities related to long term weight maintenance success.

Undertaken by W H M Saris, Maastricht University. Obesity Research 9, Supp 4 Nov 2001

Hot/cold drink

1. Cappucino
2. Chocolate (Soya Base)
3. Chocolate Mint
4. Fruits of Forest
5. Strawberry
6. Vanilla (Soya Base)


7. Chicken Mushroom

The Cambridge Diet also complies the UK Department of Health Committee on the Medical Aspects of Food Policy (C.O.M.A) guidelines on the minimum calorie requirements whilst on a VLCD sole source programme.

The Complete Nutrients of The Cambridge Diet

The Cambridge Diet nutritious slimming diet is a major contribution in improving the health of people worldwide, especially in conjunction with the governments’ [taking care of the people’s health] campaign. Government authorities now recommend that we eat fewer animal fats and less salt and sugar, and that we consume more fibre. By so doing, the incidence of complaints such as coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer can be greatly reduced. Counsellor makes a major contribution by drawing attention to these facts. The combination of a Cambridge weight management programme and sound nutritional principles can work together and help many people to live longer and healthier lives.

The Cambridge Diet is a completely nutritional diet developed through many years of research. Simply mix it with either warm or cold water, and you can be assured of your daily nutritional requirements with 3 sachets, providing only a total of 411 calories.

The Nutritional Aspects of The Cambridge Diet

Vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and trace elements are provided in sufficient quantities to satisfy the US and UK Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA). Linoleic acid is also provided in sufficient quantity in the diet. All essential amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) are provided in high-quality form.

The Nutrients Contained in The Cambridge Diet Formula:



Carbohydrate: sugar, starch

Fat of which: saturates, mono-unsaturates, poly-unsaturates, cholestrerol

Vitamins: A, D, E, C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, B6, Folacin, B12, Biotin, Pantothenic acid, K

Minerals: Sodium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, Iodine, Potassium, Chloride, Copper, Manganese, Selenium, Molybdenum, Chromium


The Cambridge Diet is easy to Mix & Convenient

Add the contents in the sachet to at least 227 ml (8 fl oz) of cold or hot (but not boiling) water. Usually it tastes better to mix the drink with cold water, and use hot water for the soup. Always add the powder to the water, rather than the other way round.

Alternatively, one can use only about 28-43 mls of cold water to make the diet into a mousse. Remember to drink more water to make up to 227ml, which is not used in mixing.

For a change, the dieter may also wish to add a spoonful of sugar and milk free coffee powder to Cappuccino or Chocolate flavoured drinks, or experiment with flavour mixes - for eg. half Chocolate and Cappuccino.

The diet should be consumed within 15 minutes, to avoid any loss of nutrients.

Proposal for Meal Replacement using A Day :

• Breakfast ~ Cappuccino Drink
• Lunch ~ Fruits of the Forest Drink
• Dinner ~ Chicken & Mushroom Soup

You can, of course, choose to replace any meal with any flavour according to your own preference. Eg. You can choose to take only the drinks for the whole day.

The Cambridge Diet [Nutritional Slimming] Plan


Leong Nyoi Leng
Before 83kg
After 53kg
Lost 68 pounds
Choose to lose 30kg (68 pounds) of fat and water gradually, in a relaxing and comfortable way!

The days of been overweight had caused me to suffer dearly, and my body immune system to deteriorate, leading to problem such as skin allergy on my hands and legs. To be truthful, my only wish in losing weight is to get back basic health, I do not dare to hope for nice body figure. I had tried a lot of ways in my attempt to lose weight, however, my wish is never granted, and I had started to lose hope and feel like giving up.

Until I met The Cambridge Diet professional counselors, I was thinking, why not listen to what they have to say about my condition. After been carefully examined and analyzed by the counselor, I had gained further knowledge regarding body fat condition in my own body, hence, I chosen The Cambridge Diet, which is a way to manage body weight by gradual weight loss. As a result, after 3 months, I lost 68 pounds of body weight in a relaxing, healthy, and safe way!

Besides getting back my confidence, I also get to enjoy the relaxing and comfortable life brought by a healthy body, with additional benefit such as radiant skin! Now, I can even wear a cheongsam!

Yap Lai Kien
Before 81kg
After 62kg
Lost 42 pounds
I have never been this thin before, like now, at last, I am able to wear size M clothes!

I had spent a lot of money in trying different ways of losing weight, without any of them been effective.

My luck changed when I met The Cambridge Diet. Initially, I only intended to give it a try. Surprisingly, I lost as much as 13 kg in just two and a half months time! This has given me confidence! During the second stage, I lost another 6 kg gradually within one and a half months time. My body weight was reduced from 81 kg to 62 kg, while my waistline measurement was reduced from 39.5 cm to 31.5 cm! I was so happy that I could not believe my own eyes! I never had such small waistline measurement before, and I had never worn a size M shirt before too!

Besides that, my health improved. Previously, my legs pained me when I wake up in the morning, my stomach felt bloated, and I felt pain all over my body. All these conditions improved after I combined the intake of The Cambridge Diet with NeuTrition Blackcurrant Seed Oil.

Now, I take one sachet of The Cambridge Diet everyday to maintain my body weight. I look more energetic, and I am able to wear clothes with fashions that I like. Thank you The Cambridge Diet for returning my health and confidence to me!

** Each box contains 21 meals per box.


Normal Purchase : RM318

Privilege Purchase : RM288

** Smaller box of 9 meals.


Normal Purchase : RM145

Privilege Purchase : RM132

Friday, May 30, 2008

Back Acne

Suffering from back acne?

Apply Body Eraser on wet body to cleanse off the dead cell which is blocking the pores. Rinse off thoroughly.

Apply thick layer of Strawberry mask on the back for 15 minutes to clear the clogging which is the cause of acne growing. Rub gently before rinse off.

Apply tea tree esential oil on the acne if you have one in hand.

Initially, once in every 2-3 days. Once a week as maintenance.

You will be amazed with the effectiveness of it!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hot Weather

Recently weather is quite hot, our body would become "humid" and "hot". Thus, we will suffer from backache, headache, everywhere ache, tired, etc.

Mix a sachet of Aloe Essence into 1 litter of water together with 4-8 tablets of Chewable Vitamin C Plus, drink this will help to remove the "humid" and "hot" in your body.

Try it and ypu will love it :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Aloe Essence

Aloe vera is an evergreen herbal plant originated from the Mediterranean shores of Africa.

Alexander the Great started planting aloe vera since 333 BC. He even brought the plant along to the battle fields to keep his soldiers healthy.Aloe vera was widely used as a medicinal plant since long ago, especially among the natives of Africa, India and Rome.

According to the book ‘Egyptian Herbal’ written by the imperial doctor of the Rome Empire, aloe vera was used as a medicine backdated to the 1st century.

aloe essence is made of aloe vera, pollen, honey and plenty of trace elements.


- Improves constipationAloe vera is a phyto-laxative that helps colon peristalsis and cures habitual constipation.

- Relieves and prevents influenzaThe active ingredients of aloe vera inhibit the growth of bacteria. As such, Aloe essence also helps to improve coughing, removes phlegm, cold, flu, etc.

- Aloe vera helps in blood circulation.Aloe vera is good for the stomach and regulates gastro-intestinal functions.Aloe essence helps to relieve flatulence, indigestion and poor appetite. Aloe vera also helps in healing ulcers and duodenal ulcers.

- Aloe vera promotes liver functions.

- Aloe vera protects and beautifies the skin.Constipation wreaks havoc to beauty and health. Aloe vera helps to alliriate constipation, enhance the live functions and thus resolve skin problem.

- Aloe vera has a strong medicinal effect, so it is advisable to be used together with honey and fructose to facilitate absorption by the body. aloe essence is rich with trace minerals.

Suggested use:

- 0 ~ 6 years old => 1/2 sachet daily
- 7 ~ 12 years old => 1 sachet daily
- Above 13 years old => 1 sachet daily

Add lukewarm water to a sachet of aloe essence. Take once every alternate 2 days for chilly body.

** 15 sachets per box

Normal Purchase : RM72

Privilege Purchase : RM60

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Slimming Tea

Slimming Tea-3 in 1 functions to clear excessive fats, toxins and waterOverweight is not only caused by excessive fat in the body, it is also caused by the accumulation of toxins and water retention. Thus, to slim down with a healthy and effective way, we need to excrete the excessive fats, toxins and water efficiently. Slimming Tea contains a variety of natural herbs and plants (green tea, lotus leaves, orange skin, hawthorn, cocos poria and cassia tora), manufactured by the combination of traditional Chinese medical theories and modern science method, enhance the process to dissolve the fats in the body, especially those accumulated at the waist, abdomen, and hip. It can also clear the fats that piled up on the wall of the intestinal tract, and promote bowel movement.

Main functions

1. Helps the body in detoxification, water excretion and bowel cleansing. After a course, different organs (cardiovascular organs, respiratory organs, chest, lungs, liver, joints) will be rejuvenated and givingyou a comfortable feeling.

2. Rapidly excretes fats. It will excrete the fats from the food that we have taken before the body absorbs it. It is the first line of defense to prevent the absorption of fats from the food.

3. Clears toxins in the intestinal tract, helps to reduce bad breath and acne problems.

** 20pcs per box

Normal Purchase : RM72

Privilege Purchase : RM60


According to medical researches, 90% of diseases found in a human body are originated from the intestinal system. Because of this, a healthy colon is an important prerequisite for a healthy body. Despite the importance of a healthy colon, constipation is a common problem nowadays. Constipation will lead to accumulation of toxins in the intestinal tract. These toxins will be reabsorbed back into the body, and cause dull skin, acne, poor appetite and other diseases in individuals.

ColonPur is manufactured using the combination of body-nurturing formula and the latest technology. It contains high quality green tea and herbs which are approved by the Ministry of Health for consumption as food. Among these active ingredients are Cocos poria, Ademphora, Common Yam rhizome, and Cassia seed.
Main functions

1. Regulate various type of constipation problems (normally promote bowel movement 24 hours after consumption)
• Stubborn type
• Habitual type
• Age-dependent type
• Children type
• Pregnancy-related type(be cautious of the dosage)
• Without breast - feeding(be cautious of the dosage)
• Medicine-dependent type
• Physiologically imbalance type

2.Refreshing Enhance gastrointestinal functions, improve appetite, regulate circulatory system, and protect stomachwall lining.

3. Promote bowel movement, get rid of constipation problems.

4. Excrete toxins and disease causing substances that piled up on the inner wall of the intestinal tract. This is importantto prevent diseases.

5. Help to keep a healthy and clean colon, improve bad breath, dull skin and acne problems.
** 30pcs per box
Normal Purchase : RM60

Privilege Purchase : RM50

Friday, May 23, 2008

Facial Treatments

This is my newly set-up online saloon. Here are some promotions on facial treatment specially for my new customers from this site...

Outcall service could be arranged as I am a mobile beautician, incall could be at Puchong or Taman Desa.

Bio-laser Treatment (Acne Skin)

This treatment is specially designed for those who are suffering from acne problem, a simple yet effective treatment. There is no extraction in this treatment therefore no scars are left behind compared to conventional treatment.
Bio-Laser Treatment could help pores to push out the white heads, black heads and blockages on its own. By clearing off the blockages, acne would not be able to grow out again...
The result would be similar to the professional laser treatment, but without the side effect at a much lower cost.
Bird's Nest Treatment (Aging Skin)
Young girls and boys want to look good, do you think your parents want to look and feel good too? This treatment is for aging skin, pamper your parents now with nice massage, face lifted, glower skin, etc.
Dudes Treatment
Dudes, put glow on your face now. Glowing skin makes you look more attractive, lively and energitic. Facial treatment is no longer a girl-thing, but it benefits both sexes. Gals, a good treat for your boyfriend, make him matches your nice skin!
Gals Treatment
A treatment for young gals, treat yourself with a nice facial massage and effective facial treatment. Enjoy the fantastic result after the treatment and walk out from here with smile on your face.
Many other treatments are available, I could customize a treatment according to your skin condition. Please feel free to e-mail me for further info, send me a close up picture of your face for free analysis.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

TE Healing Mask (Cold/Extra Cold)

Soothe & improve overly stimulated, itchy, inflamed and sensitive skin (due to excessive rubbing). Replenish moisture rapidly.


Dehydrated and pigmentation skin: Replenishes collagen, increases skin firmness and elasticity. Possess anti-oxidant effects which eliminates and prevents the forming of melanin, giving the skin falwless clarity look.

Oily and acne skin: Deep clansing of the skin, clears pores, prevents clogging of pores by blackheads, whiteheads and pimples. Possesses nti-inflammation effects to prevent and to treat acne problems, balances sebum secretion.

Sensitive skin: Effectively soothe inflamed, itchy and swelling caused by skin sensivity. Prevents dehydrated skin and promote healing process of wounded skin.

Direction of Use:
Mix 1 sachet thoughly with 50-70 cc of mineral water and apply evenly to cleanse face and neck. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Then remove the mask gently and rinse well. Continue with suitable skin care products.

Cold Healing Mask (5pcs in a box)

Normal Purchase : RM180

Privilege Purchase : RM130

Extra Cold Healing Mask (5pcs in a box)

Normal Purchase : RM180

Privilege Purchase : RM130

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Reverse Aging Corrective (RAC)

Advance Radiance Activator

1. Contains high purity plant originated collagen and various active enzymes to stimulate the cells, transforming all the damaged and aged cells into young and energetic cells.
2. Has the ability to eradicate melanin, instantly improves dull, yellowish skin, and other skin problems such as freckles, black spots and melanin related problems.

3. Eradicates blackhead and whitehead, balances sebum secretion and reduces the pore size.

Advance Firming Activator

1. 100% purity collagen will instantly restore the firmness and bounciness of the skin, and increase contraction of the skin.

2. Treats underlying causes of allergy and dehydrated skin.

3. Exerts anti-aging effects by smoothing wrinkles, fine lines and expression lines.

NEU TE RAC "DNA Regenerate Treatment"
Reset the age of skin cells within 10 minutes!

Safe, effective, simple, convenient, user-friendly, truly a state-of-the-art product in today’s skin repair technology! Within 10 minutes, the age of skin cells will be reset ~ leaving the skin looking young and prevent natural aging signs!

NEU TE RAC’s Unique Skincare Properties
Reactivates Cells And Promotes Skin Regeneration

It is an all new cosmetic care, incorporating the latest technology in medical field. The formulation of its main active ingredients for natural anti-aging is 100% based on the standard set by the World Health Organization. The extraction method is systematically designed, safe, and effective. The product’s unique principles of [reverse and restore], and the latest [integrated biological model absorption and cell repair technique] are closely related to the human skin structures. It utilizes the cell natural signals for cell proliferation and differentiation to effectively promote human skin cell to grow and self-renew. Hence, the product is 100% absorbed and fully utilized by the human cells during treatment. The therapeutic energy essence is discovered and derived from melatonin genes of deep sea seaweeds. It contains active anti free radical elements usually found in fresh vegetables and fruits, which effectively eradicate the harmful free radicals. The product includes plant originated coenzymes and various natural vitamins, which are extracted and formulated to stimulate cells, provide anti oxidant effect, prolong and prevent aging, and also to protect the skin from environmental pollution and natural aging process. The product also contains highly active protein ingredients, which are derived and extracted from natural bird nest, to replenish collagen and fiber supplies instantly and effectively. The product also stimulates the rearrangement of the collagen and fiber; increases the bounciness of the skin, and eradicates wrinkles cause by skin aging.

Special features of NEU TE RAC cell genes’ DNA recovery treatment include highly efficient delivery technique and principles of activating cell division and renewal. The treatment targets various functions within the cell, increases the speed and quality of cell division and proliferation, hence increasing cells ability so that they are able to exert their full functions. The product isabsorbed and travels from the outer layers of the skin to the inner layers with ease, immersing every single cell of the skin dermis layer in it. This will stimulate self repair mechanism of the damaged skin, maintaining a long lasting moisturized, smooth, and strong skin!

Cell genes’ DNA recovery treatment ensures a more than 90% repair and renewal of skin cells age (including strengthening and firming) within 30 days:

1. Dry, wrinkling skin problems such as wrinkles and fine lines.

2. Melasma problems such as black, yellowish, and brownish spots; and common pigmented spots such as freckles, acne scar, and seborrheic keratosis (in aged person).

3. Oily skin problems such as acne, increased pore size, pimples, highly active sebum secretion, and blackhead.

4. Special skin problems such as allergy, facial puffiness, double chin, inflammation, reddening and swelling.

5. Skin problems around the eye area such as fish tail-like wrinkles at the corner of the eyes, ‘bags under the eyes’, dark circles, and excessive fat around the eye area.

6. Problems such as stretching and sagging skin.
3 Main Elements In NEU TE Cell Genes’ DNA Recovery Treatment

1. Stimulates Skin CellsPromotes skin renewal, replenishes collagen, and effectively increases the bounciness of the skin, hence making the skin supple and firm. Also effectively stimulates gradually aging and inactive skin cells, which deteriorate due to factors such as age, body condition, environment, and lifestyle.

2. Strengthens The Skin, And Prevents OxidationIncreases the skin endurance, strengthens skin cells, counteracts free radicals in the body, and promotes cells to automatically maintain themselves in the young, active stage of the cell cycle where proliferation and growth are at their peaks. This cause the skin cells to be at tip top condition, prevent and prolong aging process, and finally preserving youthfulness!

3. Integrated Biological Model Absorption And Cell Repair100% safe (no surgery, no physical skin pulling, no injection, no insertion of devices, and no laser involvement, hence all cosmetic interventions with their own pros and cons are excluded). The product is a natural way of treatment involving the latest medicinal cosmetic nanotechnology. It is a concentrated and well balanced professional treatment, which is included in the world class [reverse the clock for beautiful skin] series of treatment. It applies [integrated biological model absorption and cell repair] technique to instantly transfer nutrients via dermal absorption, where the product will be transferred from the innermost layer of epidermis layer to the dermis layer, hence achieving the long lasting effect of true inner and outer treatments of the deep skin layers.

8 Types of Instant Effects

1. Effective in instantly transforming damaged and aged cells into young and active cells, achieving instant whitening, and improves problems involving dull, yellowish skin, freckles, and excess melanin.

2. The highly effective skin fiber, with its water trapping, moisturizing and water replenishing functions, will solve problems such as skin dryness and dehydration. This causes the skin to be radiant, fair, and soft, as if it has been reborn, restoring a flawless, healthy, and young skin, with the smooth skin feel.

3. Effective in promoting the generation of skin ossein, and improve wrinkles and pigmented spots on skin. Hence enabling skin fibers and proteins to regain their bounciness and also increase the contractility of the skin, naturally smoothen fine line, wrinkle, and expression line, leaving the skin firm, soft, and smooth.

4. Effectively eradicate blackhead and dead cells (aged keratin / dead skin layer), by inducing them to peel off naturally. After use, the skin will be left radiant and clean, the pore size reduced, and sebum secretion balanced.

5. Effective in healing pimples, pimple scars, and control spread of bacteria to prevent other parts of healthy skin from been infected. Also reduces pigments, treat scars, and effective in treating pus filled acne. (Need to be managed by NEU TE RAC professional beauticians).

6. NEU TE RAC treatment is a specialized medicinal cosmetic technique. It utilizes premium quality active anti-enzymes ingredients obtained from deep sea seaweed. Hence, it is able to effectively treat allergy, thin and weak skin, so that the skin is thoroughly protected, well nourished and repaired. It can also increase skin self defense, hence strengthening the skin cells.

7. The product’s unique [integrated biological model absorption and cell repair] technique enables the skin to [fully-recharge]. Besides resulting in rosy and radiant skin, it also achieves the effect of [3-dimensional facial slimming].

8. Instantly improve and contract the skin around eye area and ‘bags under the eyes’, effectively improve dark circles.
For a set of RAC 1 + RAC2
Normal Purchase : RM382
Privilege Purchase : RM318