Saturday, May 31, 2008

Essential Oils

Plants have an indomitable vitality. The essential oil, being the natural plant fluid, is the essence of this vitality. The aromatic substance in essential oils are actually hormones of plants which is curative to certain diseases.

Aromatherapy is a therapy that cleanses the body and the mind, strive for physical, mental and spiritual health equilibrium. The essential oils used in aromatherapy are extracted from petals, leaves, twigs, fruits, seeds, root, stem and bark of highly aromatic plants. These oils penetrates into the body and stimulates the cerebral cortex, provides soothing and enlightening effects, relieves mental and spiritual disorders, builds up positive outlook on life.


The short plant is originated from New South Wales, Australia. It grows to the height of 6 metres and possesses extremely high vitality. Tea Tree grows best in lowlaying soggy lands. Long ago, the Australian aborigines had started using its tea leaves to cure inflamed wounds. In 1927, the plant was brought into Europe. Its outstanding antiseptic property has since taken the Europeans by storm. The Australian, American and French scientists are now studying the anti-inflammation properties of Tea Tree, especially the possibility of it being used to cure various skin diseases. Currently, it is commonly used in surgery and dental operations. It is also an ingredient in making soaps, deodorants, air fresheners and detergents.

Leaves / high

Fresh and slightly sharp.

Main functions:
Antiseptic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, uplifting.
Physiological effect:
A powerful antiseptic essential oil, it helps the immune system to fight contagious diseases. It also promotes metabolism, detoxifies by method of perspiration, effective for flu, oral herpes, mucositis and gingivitis. Its anti-fungal property is good for genital inflammation, helps purifies urinary tract, improves cystitis. Besides, it also relieves earache and enteritis, get rid of parasites in the body.

Skin Care:
Contracts and cleanses the pores, improves skin inflammation, furuncle etc. Removes chickenpox and shingles. Effective for burns, blisters, herpes and athlete’s foot. Cures excessive dandruff.

Emotional effect:
Refreshing and stimulating, restores energy, suitable for shock.

May cause irritation at sensitive parts of the skin.
Normal Purchase : RM48
Privilege Purchase : RM40


Lavender Organic is the most commonly used ingredient for essential oil. It can be applied directly onto the skin without diluting. It can be blended with almost every other essential oil and perform better medicinal effect. Lavender Organic is well-known for its insect killing property. The ancient Romans used it as an antiseptic in bathing and cleansing the wounds. The Roman women took a fancy to the perfumes made by blending Lavender Organic and lily flower.

Petals / medium

Floral, light and fresh, wood-like.

Main functions:
Insect bites, insect repellent, good for digestive system.

Physiological effect:
Promotes gastric secretion, can be used for nausea, vomiting, flatulence and colic. It stimulates bile secretion, helps digestion, soothing the heart, reduces high blood pressure, and improves insomnia. Its pain-killing property helps relieving sprains, muscular fatigue and rheumatic pain. As for the respiratory system, it is effective for bronchitis, asthma, influenza, laryngitis, mucositis, prevents and relieves the spread of tuberculosis. Good for scanty menstruation, menstrual pain or vaginal discharges. Massaging the lower back can relieve post-natal discomfort.

Skin Care:
Suitable for all skin types, cures burns, insect bites and skin diseases. Stimulates cell growth, helps healing of wounds.

Emotional effect:
Stabilises mood, purifying and soothes the mind, relieves anger and fatigue. Balances central nervous system, fights panic and depression.

Hypotension patients may experience dullness. As it promotes menstruation, avoid during first 3 months of pregnancy.


Normal Purchase : RM60

Privilege Purchase : RM50


The Peppermint plant is about 3 feet tall, with hairy, zigzag-shaped leaves and purple flowers. This plant is originated from Southern Europe and it has a variety of species. But the essential oil is extracted from Peppermint USA. The Englishmen first started the Peppermint trading business in 1750, but the Americans were the ones who first produced essential oils from Peppermint plant.

Leaves / medium-high.

Chilly, refreshing.

Main functions:
Good for digestive and respiratory system, antiseptic, reduces high fever and refreshing.

Physiological effect:
It boasts double property: cooling in hot weather and heating in cold weather. Cures influenza, controls fever and mucositis, promotes perspiration, effective for respiratory tract disorders, such as coughing, sinus congestion, asthma, bronchitis, cholera and pneumonia. As for the digestive system, it is good for relaxing gastric muscles, prevents food poisoning, cures vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, flatulence, bad breath and nausea. It also improves kidney and liver disorders. The soothing effect acts to relieve headache, migraine and toothache, comforts rheumatic pain, nervous and muscle pain. It also improves scanty menstruation, painful periods and mastitis. Direct inhalation method can relieve headache, coughing and blocked nose.

Skin Care:
Relieves blocked pores, improves eczema, tinea and itchiness, soothes inflammation and burns, removes blackheads and whiteheads, regulates skin oil secretion. Best for oily hair and oily skins.

Emotional effect:
Uplifting and mind-refreshing, comforts anger, hysteria and fear. Excellent for mental fatigue and depression.

As it reduces body temperature, it is not recommendable for bathing and body massage. Avoid eye contact. Avoid during pregnancy and milk feeding period, as it promotes menstrual flow and reduces milk supply.


Normal Purchase : RM48

Privilege Purchase : RM40


Originated from England, the Chamomile has a variety of species, but essential oils can only be extracted from the Roman and German Chamomile. These two species are about 30cm in height, with white petals, yellow core and slightly hairy leaves. The Chinese has been using it as a medicine throughout history while the English plant them along the sidewalks. At present, Queen Elizabeth is so fond of Chamomile that this plant is grown all over the Buckingham Palace.

Flower / medium.


Main functions:
Pain-relieving, soothing, calming, skin care.

Physiological effect:
Relieves headache and nervous tension, regularises menstrual period, relieves menstrual pain, pre-menstrual and menopause symptoms. It also soothes the stomach, cures spasms, inflammation, gastric pain and indigestion. Massages by using Chamomile can relieve muscle pain and swollen joints. Relieves gastritis, diarrhoea, vomiting and other intestinal disorders. It is able to enhance the immune system and antianaemia. The German Chamomile is suitable for children, it is more effective in enhancing immune system and curing inflammation.

Skin Care:
Relieves swelling, strengthens tissues, restores broken capillaries, adds suppleness, suitable for normal sensitive skins, such as those with red spots, swelling, dry, urticaria, inflamed and peeled skins.

Emotional effect:
Calming, relieves anxiety, tension, anger and fear, insomnia, antidepressant, calms down restlessness during menopause.

Avoid during first 3 months of pregnancy as it might cause menstruation to occur.


Normal Purchase : RM180

Privilege Purchase : RM150

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